Case swarming or simply swarming is a recent customer service industry trend gaining much traction. Swarming is based on the idea that organizations can create value through increased agility by increasing information processing capacity. Swarming refers to a team philosophy and approach that combines team communication, collaboration and creativity.
Rainer Zielonka from TSANet met online with HPE, Dell EMC, Software AG, Nutanix, F5 Networks, Fujitsu Technologies and DataCore to discuss the most pressing topics of the current situation.
Following topics were discussed:
- TSANet’s 2022 plans and feedback from TSANet Board of Director meeting in Austin
- Keynote Phil Verghis from Klever Insight: Collaborative Swarming/Tierless Support Model
- Best practices session: Collaborative Swarming
The feedback from the participants was very positive. All participants were impressed by the actuality of the topics, the knowledge and openness of the speakers and the inspiring discussions during the workshop.
The next meeting will be in Q3/2022
If you are interested in participating, please contact Rainer Zielonka at