Singapore, April 7, 2020 – Group-IB, a Singapore-based cybersecurity company,…
Cisco hosting India Focus Group on May 29th
***Due to COVID-19, the meeting has been moved. Click here…
TSANet Members meet at Red Hat to learn, network and share best practices
Red Hat hosted the recent TSANet North America Focus Group…
TSANet elects new officer for 2020
TSANet Secretary position filled by Richard Long, Director of Technical…
Dell hosting Australia Focus Group on June 2nd
Dell will be hosting the Australia Focus Group meeting on…
Join us at the ASP event in Dallas, TX – Customer Success + Support, A Powerful Partnership
***Due to COVID-19, TSANet will not be in attendance*** TSANet…
Introduction to TSANet Webinar and Recording
This webinar is ideal for new or existing members of…
Nutanix hosting Europe Focus Group on May 12–13, 2020
***Due to COVID-19, the meeting has been moved. Click here…
All Members now on TSANet Connect. Legacy Member Web Retired
Many of you are aware, TSANet has transitioned to its…
Nutanix hosting Japan Focus Group on April 15th
***Due to COVID-19, the meeting has been moved. Click here…