TSANet 2026 Strategy Update

TSANet defined the 2026 Strategy and communicated it to Members during the 2023 Member meeting. The 2024 plans included Launching TSANet Connect 2.0 and improving the Technology Partner Framework.   The blog provides updates to those initiatives.

TSANet Connect 2.0

The TSANet Connect 2.0 System was launched on July 12th 2024. The first release included a new WebApp, API Integration Framework, and a Salesforce Package.    The following Webinars provide more details on this new system.

Webinar:   Introduction to TSAnet – Connect 2.0 WebApp and DemoRecording

Webinar:   Introduction to TSANet Connect 2.0 – Salesforce Package – Tue, Sep 24, 2024, 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM (CDT)

In addition to Salesforce, TSANet is working on integration with MS Dymanics.  Contact TSANet if you use MS Dynamics as your CRM system.

Technology Partner Framework

The TSANet Technology Partner Framework provides support for all types of Technology Partnerships.   The image below shows these Partner Types.

Common Customer: All General Members (Standard, Premium, and Elite) support this collaborative support process. It requires that the customer have support from both Members. No other agreement is needed.

Alliance Partner:   This Collaborative support process connects Limited Members to Elite Members.   The TSANet partner program addendum defines the support requirements, and Limited Members are also part of the Host Vendors Technology Partner program.

Strategic Partner:  This support process is defined by the Strategic Partnership between the Vendors.  An example of this is an OEM agreement.

1.     Vendor A:  Sells the solution that includes (Vendor B Technology) to customers and provides support.  Escalates product issues to Vendor B.

2.     Vendor B: Provides Product Support, Training, and Knowledge for Vendor A to provide customer support.

Get Involved

Members provide feedback on the TSANet Strategy by attending the Regional Focus Groups.  Details on the Regional Focus Groups are below: