TSANet Connect 2.0 – September Release

The following enhancements are part of the September release for TSANet Connect 2.0. Go to connect.tsanet.org to find your Company and bookmark the new landing page.

New Updates:  WebApp

  1. Improved system error messaging by moving all errors to the banner.
  2. Improved Security by only allowing TLS 1.2 and 1.3
  3. Fixed an issue with the collaboration feed that prevented updates from showing
  4. Moved text edit function to Quill
  5. Modified method to create Tier Select custom fields to improve API functionality
  6. Improved Partner Sign-up process to send email when process not completed
  7. Fixed email template issue
  8. Fixed issue with auto-receive member email missing case#
  9. Added note to collaboration feed indicating notes are removed after 30 days
  10. Introduced new case Status (Closed) to support solution support collaboration method
  11. Fixed issue with text alignment in collaboration feed
  12. Modified company note text size to align with homepage fonts

New Updates – API and Salesforce Package

  1. Improved API to work with new status for cases – Member Feedback
  2. Changed error response to improve security – Security Testing Feedback
  3. Added Select and Tier Select Custom Fields
  4. Added Escalation instructions to API
  5. Updated Salesforce package – V1.36 to make improvements based on member feedback

New TSANet Connect Training – Video and slides

Watch the recorded training for the Web App: https://youtu.be/y9yZ9MJxIyU

Download the training Slides

New TSANet Connect Training – Regional Sessions

Register your engineers for a 30-minute training session on the TSANet Connect 2.0 system. It will cover the new features of TSANet Connect 2.0 and includes a Demo.  The training sessions will be held on September 17, 2024.

  • India Training Session – 6:00am CDT, 4:30pm India Time zone Register Now
  • Europe Training Session – 7:00am CDT, 1:00pm UTC Register Now
  • Americas Training Session – 11:00am CDT Register Now
  • APJ Training Session – 7:00pm CDT, 10:00am AEST, 9:00 am JST Register Now

Want a training session that is specific to your team?  Contact Paul Esch at paul@tsanet.org to request a session.

Upcoming Events and Webinars