TSANet Connect 2.0 Summer Release is LIVE!

The following enhancements are part of the summer TSANet Connect 2.0 release. Go to connect.tsanet.org to find your Company and bookmark the new landing page.

New Web App:  All Members

  1. A new homepage design that supports the creation and management of collaboration requests.
  2. The New Case detail page provides an overview of the collaboration and the history of notes and changes.
  3. Users can now add notes to a collaboration. Members are notified when notes are added to a collaboration case.
  4. Response updates: The receiving member can now modify the response update, for example if the assigned engineer changes.
  5. New simplified rich text editor.
  6. Improvements to reports and export ability.
  7. Improved the initial response workflow. For example, the assigned engineer is now notified, and a user account is created if one does not exist.
  8. All systems are now protected by Cloudflare.
  9. We simplified the member sign-in URL. Changed to tsanet.org

API:  Elite Members

Elite Members can now create integrations and apps using a full-featured API. For more details, see the TSANet Connect 2.0 Integration guide.

Salesforce Package:  Elite Members

An Unlocked Salesforce Package is available to Elite Members.  This reference integration to Salesforce includes access to source code that can be modified.    Contact TSANet at membership@tsanet.org for access to this package.

For more details, watch the Webinar: https://www.tsanet.org/tsanet-connect-update-webinar-may-7-2024/

New TSANet Connect Training – Video and slides

Watch the recorded training for the Web App: https://youtu.be/y9yZ9MJxIyU

Download the training Slides

New TSANet Connect Training – Regional Sessions

Register your engineers for a 30-minute training session on the TSANet Connect 2.0 system. It will cover the new features of TSANet Connect 2.0 and includes a Demo.  The training sessions will be held on July 24, 2024.

  • India Training Session – 6:00am CDT, 4:30pm India Time zone Register Now
  • Europe Training Session – 7:00am CDT, 1:00pm UTC Register Now
  • Americas Training Session – 11:00am CDT Register Now
  • APJ Training Session – 7:00pm CDT, 10:00am AEST, 9:00am JST Register Now

Want a training session that is specific to your team?  Contact Paul Esch at paul@tsanet.org to request a session.

Upcoming Events and Webinars

Register for an upcoming Regional Focus Group meeting

Webinar: Introduction to TSANet Connect 2.0 – Web App – July 16, 2024 Register Now

Webinar: Introduction to TSANet Connect 2.0 – Limited Member – Aug 20, 2024 Register Now

Webinar: Introduction to TSANet Connect 2.0 – Salesforce Integration –  Sept 24, 2024 Register Now

Webinar: TSANet Annual Member Meeting – Dec 10, 2024 Register Now