TSANet hosted a workshop on December 7, 2018 at the Red Hat facility in Bangalore, India. This was the third face-to-face meeting TSANet held in India about relevant topics on technical support. During the workshop, facilitated by Rainer Zielonka (TSANet), Rama Krishna Piddaparthy and Prashant Chaoudhari (both Red Hat and members of the India focus group) shared their vision of the future of tech support, discussed the importance of customer relationship, learned from each other and found common ground and ways to collaborate with TSANet `motto: “Setting the ball rolling”.
The agenda:
- TSANet Connect
- TSANet Connect Demo
- TSANet Success stories and how to create awareness within teams
- Major challenges for collaboration
- 2019 high level plans
- Feedback from board meeting and other focus groups
- Discussion and next meeting
The attendee feedback was very positive, the members appreciated the presentations from the TSANet staff, the inspiring discussions and the hospitality from the RedHat team.
The next workshop is scheduled for Spring 2019. If you are interested in participating, please contact the Rainer Zielonka at rainer@tsanet.org