TSANet North America Focus Group Meeting hosted by Nutanix – Oct 29th, 2024

We are excited to announce the upcoming TSANet North American Focus Group Meeting, which will be held on Oct 29th, 2024 at the Nutanix office in San Jose, CA.  This is an excellent opportunity to meet the TSANet Board of Directors, network with Members, and exchange ideas! To be added to the invitation, please get in touch with Paul E Esch at paul@tsanet.org

Who should attend?

Support/Success Management and Technology Partner Management.

The meeting will focus on Technology Partnerships (both Technology alliance programs and Strategic Partnerships).

Meetings Goals:

Share Current State and Best Practices:

TSANet Members such as Nutanix, Red Hat, VMware, Veritas, Dell, and Cisco have successful Partner Programs running on TSANet. Attendees will share best practices.

Create a Shared Vision:

A shared vision of the TSANet Technology Partner Framework will be created.  This will build on the work from the 2023 Hyperscaler workshops that defined requirements for the recently launched TSANet Connect 2.0 System.

Meeting Details:

When:  Oct 29th, 2024 –   10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Where:  Nutanix:  1740 Technology Drive, Suite 150, San Jose, CA 95110


  • 10 am- 11 am: TSANet Technology Partner Framework – Paul
  • 11 am-Noon:  Technology Partner Programs – Current State / Best Practices
  • Noon-1 pm: Lunch
  • 1 pm- 2 pm:  Technology Partner Programs – Future State / Vision
  • 2 pm – 3 pm: Strategic Partners – Current State / Best Practices
  • 3 pm – 4 pm:  Strategic Partners – Future State / Vision

More Information