Each year, TSANet holds annual elections for the Board of Directors. Per our Bylaws, three of the eleven seats are available this year. Board members are elected for three-year terms. Existing Board members whose terms are expiring must submit a candidate for the election process. Only Elite Members are eligible to run for a Board seat.
The TSANet Board is responsible for running the business of TSANet. Board powers and qualifications are described in the TSANet Bylaws. A copy of the TSANet Bylaws is available in the Member Resources section on the TSANet website. Nominations will be open until March 28, 2025.
To submit your name as a candidate, send a bio/resume and picture to paul@tsanet.org. Your information will be submitted to the membership on March 31, 2025. Voting will take place from March 31 to April 11, 2025. Each Open Group member has a designated voting contact, who will submit one ballot from the nominated candidates. The top three candidates will be elected to the board for a three-year term.
Maintaining a Board position can be a very rewarding experience. If you have any questions or inquiries about the TSANet Board or the process, please contact paul@tsanet.org. The current Board of Directors is listed here.